Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God is Good!

OK! Yesterday God gave me a back bone. I was able to stand strong in a situation where normally I wud cave and enable people but God gave me words to speak that were non offensive an He kept the door open for me to still be able to minister to these people. Then later on in the day I faced another situation where someone needed some truth brought to the forefront and once again God gave me the boldness to speak his truth to this person and once again it was non offensive. Its amazing how things work when you rely totally on Gods Spirit to direct you in every situation in your life even the small ones. Challenge for today, keep your ears tuned in to that still small voice directing every little decision you make.


sassy chic said...

good word Katie! I am glad to hear that God is working in you so effectively, you bless me sweetie!

Cassy said...
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Cassy said...

Hey Love, I found your page!! Your blogs crack me up.. I miss you and love you so much!

Cassy :)