Thursday, May 8, 2008

Busy Bee

I have been trying to get all my stuff done before the baby gets here my grandma has been helping with EVERYTHING she's a great woman. It doesn't matter how tired the woman is she just keeps going. My grandparents have not always lived here. All my life they lived in Alaska so I was not used to having grandparents around. After my mom passed away they moved down here and I am so grateful I have now had the opportunity to get to know my grandparents in a whole different way and what Godly, wonderful, giving people they are. God has richly blessed my life with people who care and are always there. My pastors wife, as well as my closest friend, has often taken me to the hospital at odd hours of the evening not to mention how she's put up with my hormonal cry sessions. Then there's is my brother who never lets me procrastinate. He has helped me fix my car, plumbing in my house, loaned me his car to drive while mine is being fixed which has been more than once, not to mention he just never leaves me alone. And then there's our youth group. I love them more than words can express they bless my heart every time I see them, they are wonderful with my children and accept them all the time with open arms. So I would like to say Thank You for all the help from everyone.


Trudy said...'re so sweet. You're welcome :)

sassy chic said...

You are right you are blessed beyond words! And I absolutely love your grandparents...and your pastors wife, but the youth...well...ummmm okay I really love them too (as half of them are my own children!) and your brother well who can say anything bad about him? Well I could if I tried hard enough but I don't want to so I will say that he is wonderful too! Now get the links up on your blog! :) love you!

Pastor John said...

Thats right who could say anything bad about an over analytical person who drives people around him crazy because he sees everything around him that is not getting done, and DOESN'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP DOING STUFF OR SUGGESTING OTHERS DO STUFF. Wait who were we talking about again? Time for DMG.:)