Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today I drank mineral oil to try and send myself into labor. Guess what? It did not work. As a matter of fact you could not pay me enough money to do it again. Although everyone found it quite funny, I gagged the whole time. I have decided that God is the one that is always in control and I just decided to punish myself with worldly techniques!


sassy chic said...

you are a nut job Katie!

Plow Boy said...

Castor Oil - That's the stuff. Try Castor Oil... Maybe Not!

I remember similar attempts by my wife to induce labor - although I don't ever remember her drinking any oils.

I know you're more than ready to have that baby, but hold on and God will give you strength and see you thru to the end... or actually the beginning!!!

Trudy said...

It was truly funny! I proudly state I was one of the ones laughing!! Love ya chic!