Well we took a trip with the uth to Branson this weekend it was a lot of fun. We went to Silver Dollar City. Michael rode all the roller coasters some of them he rode 4 times in a row and he has never had the nerve to get on anything that he doesn't have control over. We (the girls) stayed up til 3 o'clock in the morning just having fun and visiting. We are going to take another trip to Branson in December and go to some shows and have some more fun. We all had great bonding time! I left my girls in great hands. I came home from Branson and my girls were still breathing (hehe), and my house was almost spotless. So I returned the favor with cash it meant so much to come home and my house be clean and I went without my children (an d if you know me, you know that it wasn't easy for me to leave my kids.) I appreciate Holly Rarick so much. S o special THANKS.