Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well I obviously have not been blogging very well and Pastor Pat your thought process of my phone and blogging while I' know: is well...... you know....... gross, but made me laugh really hard. I started back to work yesterday and had a great time. We, the workers at Shear Magic, had a benefit to help the tornado victims in Pitcher. Yesterday from 9-2 we done $5 haircuts and accepted donations of money, food, and clothing. We raised over $400 and had 3 bags of clothing, and a bag of canned foods. I would say for the most part it was pretty successful. When you look at all the damage and all the things that people lost $400 might not look like very much, but every little bit counts. It was great to watch how my co-workers were so excited they could do something to help.
My little bundle of joy is 2 weeks old now and her big sisters are so excited she is here. We are all still adjusting to having a new family member. I always forget how much one tiny little person can change your life so much. Any way got to go.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

my time is over!

Well now I have had the baby!!!!!!!! We came home today, or to the church, and behold the first thing I hear is sassy chic griping about me not having my blog up to date with stuff (ok, links.) Well all I have to say is she might be right so my time of using "I can't do it right now, I'm pregnant," is over. So here you go sassy chic I hope you sleep well at night knowing this is the first thing I took care of while my new poor baby is being completely mistreated by Ms. Stacy. Just kidding I didn't feel like going home yet. I love you Sassy Chic.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Busy Bee

I have been trying to get all my stuff done before the baby gets here my grandma has been helping with EVERYTHING she's a great woman. It doesn't matter how tired the woman is she just keeps going. My grandparents have not always lived here. All my life they lived in Alaska so I was not used to having grandparents around. After my mom passed away they moved down here and I am so grateful I have now had the opportunity to get to know my grandparents in a whole different way and what Godly, wonderful, giving people they are. God has richly blessed my life with people who care and are always there. My pastors wife, as well as my closest friend, has often taken me to the hospital at odd hours of the evening not to mention how she's put up with my hormonal cry sessions. Then there's is my brother who never lets me procrastinate. He has helped me fix my car, plumbing in my house, loaned me his car to drive while mine is being fixed which has been more than once, not to mention he just never leaves me alone. And then there's our youth group. I love them more than words can express they bless my heart every time I see them, they are wonderful with my children and accept them all the time with open arms. So I would like to say Thank You for all the help from everyone.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today I drank mineral oil to try and send myself into labor. Guess what? It did not work. As a matter of fact you could not pay me enough money to do it again. Although everyone found it quite funny, I gagged the whole time. I have decided that God is the one that is always in control and I just decided to punish myself with worldly techniques!