Monday, December 29, 2008

The Firsts

Well, we made it through Christmas! It was hard! All the "firsts" after loosing someone are always hard but God has certainly blessed us in these hard times. My brother preached on Sun. and his sermon was "God's Grace is Enough for Me" and I have to agree. This tragedy in our life has brought back so many old feelings that I experienced when my mother was killed and you know I didn't understand anything when my mom passed but now as I look back on all the chaos
and confusion I was experiencing then and now having to walk thru it again I can see that God has been there carrying me thru all of it. Even though it may hurt like everything sometimes, I have to say God's Grace is Enough for Me!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Cassy said...

Just checking on you and your blog.. Words that are encouraging, from the heart and God inspired are always good to read or hear! Love You!!