Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Baby!

I'm Sooooooo excited! My friend had her baby! Kelly lived with us for a short while when she met my husbands cousin Lark. I kept warning her "stay away from that boy, he is trouble." But he fell head over heels for her and well we all know how that goes. They got married like 3 or 4 months later, and then like a month after they were married they got pregnant. Well here we are 9 months later, with a beautiful baby girl. Lark was so incredible during the whole process. He wanted to do everything for Kelly, so attentive to her every need. She went in on Sunday at 3:30. She made progress real fast and then started to slow down, so they gave her some medicine to help her sleep and they waited to turn up her induction medicine until the morning. Everyone was there, in and out of the room checking on Kelly and anticipating the moment baby Alyssa would be here. Finally, Kelly is at the last moments. I am sitting in the waiting room while everyone is finishing their goodbyes and good lucks when Lark comes down and says "Katie come here." I went out into the hall and he says "I cant do this by myself, will you please go in with me?" I told him if he was for sure that's what he wanted to do then I would; he replied again, "I'm gonna need help I just don't think I can do it," but let me tell you HE DONE AWESOME! I wanted to cry my eyes out. I stood behind Lark the whole time and prayed through every push. Let me tell you they will make very good parents. Congratulation Lark and Kelly! Michael the Girls and I Love You Very Much!

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